
Enhance deployability with Trinsic's AI-powered insights, revolutionizing human performance strategies in defense.

Elevating Warfighter Readiness


Operational AI:
Transform Data into Decisions

Optimizing Readiness 
with Operational AI

The Trinsic Human Data Platform provides enhanced insights into physical readiness, leveraging advanced AI with human performance data.

Operational Alignment
Through Advanced

Seamless Integration with Enterprise Systems

Trinsic ensures your initiatives are backed by secure, compliant, and seamlessly integrated solutions that speak directly to leadership within IL-5 systems, fostering alignment and operational efficiency.

Deliver actionable insights to military leadership, ensuring alignment with human performance initiatives.
Our technology adheres to the VAULTIS framework, aligning with the Chief Data Officer's strategic vision for enduring solutions.
Vendor-agnostic data connectors streamline data collection for reliable data management and secure accessibility.
Edge Kit Base Platform Console Connectors Base Platform Edge Kit Console Connectors

Empowering Innovation
and Demonstrating ROI

Accelerating Research & Development

Prepare for the future with Trinsic, where robust data collection and analysis accelerate research and development and provide a clear return on investment for human performance programs.

Develop and demonstrate clear, objective ROI
across commands, supporting the growth of human
performance programs.
Never start from zero—revisit historical data
with new intelligence, ensuring your data
investment continuously yields
strategic insights.

Overcoming Challenges
with Digital Solutions

Modernizing Army Readiness


Managing body composition standards was slow and
outdated, relying heavily on manual data entry.


Trinsic developed a custom iPad application for the Army,
streamlining the collection and evaluation of body composition
data. This tool integrated directly with Army systems, providing
real-time results, secure data storage, and automated report


increase in

Drastic reduction in time required to process assessments for
1,000 soldiers, achieving a 4-5x increase in throughput.

Trusted by the Best

Data Infrastructure at the Forefront of Defense Innovation

Leveraging the Palantir FedStart program, our solutions propel mission success across branches from the Air Force to the Army Materiel Command.


Unlock Human Data Intelligence

Trinsic empowers military operations with the technology to harness the power of human data, driving readiness, and operational excellence. 

Discover the Trinsic edge—where military readiness is redefined.

Unlock Human Data Intelligence