
Trinsic accelerates your employee health and performance initiatives, offering advanced data analytics solutions that are faster, more scalable, and more cost-effective than in-house development.

Elevate Workplace Performance with Data


Analytics for
Workplace Excellence

Enhance Productivity

Leverage Trinsic's platform to ensure your team’s readiness and performance are always at their peak. Enhance productivity with insights derived from real-time data collection and analysis.

Real-Time Workplace Readiness

Data at the Speed
of Business

Enable dynamic decision-making with instant access to performance data. Trinsic equips you with the insights to make informed, timely decisions that keep your operations ahead of the curve.

Access real-time data to make quick,
effective decisions.

Customize strategies to meet individual employee
needs, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Integrate With Your Tech Stack

Seamless Integrations with Enterprise Systems

Trinsic ensures your initiatives are backed by secure, compliant, and seamlessly integrated solutions that speak directly to stakeholders within existing enterprise systems, fostering alignment and operational efficiency.

Deliver key insights to executive leadership, ensuring alignment with key stakeholders across employee health and productivity.
Streamline existing workflows and automate cumbersome tasks to improve operational efficiency.
Vendor-agnostic data connectors streamline employee data collection for reliable data management and secure accessibility.
Edge Kit Base Platform Console Connectors Base Platform Edge Kit Console Connectors

Unite Teams with Data

Collaborative Success

Foster a culture of collaboration and shared goals. Trinsic’s solutions enhance communication, making strategy sharing seamless among team leaders, HR, and employees.

Understanding Employee Variability

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All

With Trinsic’s deep data analysis, recognize your workforce's unique dynamics and customize workplace strategies for optimal performance and employee well-being.

Identify distinct patterns in employee behavior and
performance, tailoring strategies for every team.

Customize interventions based on comprehensive
data analysis, ensuring each employee receives the
right support at the right time.

Overcoming Challenges with Digital Solutions

Modernizing Army Readiness


Managing body composition standards was slow and
outdated, relying heavily on manual data entry.


Trinsic developed a custom iPad application for the Army,
streamlining the collection and evaluation of body composition
data. This tool integrated directly with Army systems, providing
real-time results, secure data storage, and automated report


increase in

Drastic reduction in time required to process assessments for
1,000 soldiers, achieving a 4-5x increase in throughput.

Unlock Human Data Intelligence

Trinsic empowers military operations with the technology to harness the power of human data, driving readiness, and operational excellence. 

Discover the Trinsic edge—where military readiness is redefined.

Unlock Human Data Intelligence